Lawyer for Wills and Trusts

lawyer for wills and trusts Are you searching for a Lawyer for Wills and Trusts?

You have come to the right place. We are an experienced Broken Arrow, Oklahoma law firm that specializes in wills, revocable living trusts, trust administration, powers of attorney, and living wills.


Good estate planning starts with an estate plan. Who do you want to give your property to and are there any conditions attached to a given gift? Your lawyer needs to carefully hear you out to determine what’s important to you.

From there your attorney drafts the necessary legal documents to carry out your estate plan. Once drafted it’s important to go over those documents to ensure that they get your property to your loved ones in the manner you desire. After all – you have worked hard to acquire your assets. It’s important those same assets are passed on in a manner to your liking.

Give us a call at: 918-286-8001. What sets us apart from the competition is that we draft high end estate planning documents. We pay attention to the details, even the small ones.

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